The cows wouldn’t drink from any of the “drinkers” as soon as the old tank was full of the new water. I couldn’t get them away from that water, even in the middle of Ohio winter. Our farm is near a chemical plant. The cows were getting scrawny, and we weren’t doing too well either. Now the milk yield and the butterfat content is way up. The cows are downright perky now.
D. M. “Mr. Ohio Dairy Farmer”, Dover

I was just drained after a long week and shorter weekend. I was just “tired of being tired”. A friend called and said he had something for me to try and brought over some special water. I was a complete skeptic, as always.

However, after drinking about 3 glasses of this water, I felt like a new person. So did my wife. We were both in awe. We had a raw, natural energy we hadn’t felt in years! We went from exhausted to feeling 20 years younger in a matter of an hour!
B. L., New York City

My legs have been itching and I scratched them until they would bleed. After the bath – no itch. Our hair is softer. Cindi took a bath in the water from our new water and came out with a healthy color and glow. Her skin is like silk. I got jealous and tried it. Wow!

Our new water has rejuvenated our plants. My husband says our water tastes better, too. Our morning coffee is smooth – no longer bitter. My skin feels creamy and smooth, I use a lot less shampoo. The laundry is clean and needs less soap as well. We love our Tranquility Water Unit and our new water.
L. R., Salt Lake City, Utah

The doctor was beyond shocked when Ron went for a health screening last week to determine the condition of his arteries. Even after having stage IV cancer and a major stroke, he has the cardiovascular system of a 40 year old. Considering he’s over 70, that’s quite impressive. Just like God’s Miracle Water cleaned out the water pipes in our house, it cleaned out all the veins and arteries in his body! Thank you.
J. A., Los Gatos, California

Our 19 year old cat was dying of kidney failure. I believe your water unit arrived just in time. She started lapping up the water like it was cream. She is now walking around and active again.
J. H., Victora, Australia

Real Results pre-current device testing

fruit and orchard applicationThe lowest yielding strawberry field was chosen as the test site for one Tranquility Device unit. Within 2 days the newly Tranquility structured water field produced strawberries of 12 BRIX sweetness rating. The first and second picked and other fields remained at the usual 6 BRIX level. Same fertilizer. Same watering schedule. After the second harvest, all scheduled fertilizer and watering ceased on all fields. While the other fields turned brown and barren, the test field continued to produce huge 3” fruit with a high 12 BRIX nutrient count.

Lifestar Comments:

Typically, we see plant growth measurably increase within a few days of beginning with the Tranquiity water. Sprouting of seeds is dramatically increased as well. In one growth season in 2014 we observed a plant double its height compared to another purchased from the same grower at the same time of the same age, species and size. The same potting soil, clay pots, the same watering cycle, the same amount of water in the same partially shaded location about three feet apart. Another plant of the same species was grown on Tranquility water about a mile away and the growth rate was about the same.

There was more budding and flowers, larger diameter stems and branches. The differerence in height remained through the winter after hybernation and into the following spring and summer of 2015.



Applications Legend Garden application Garden fruit and orchard appliciation
crops and agriculture application
personal application
dairy farm and animal application
industrial water purification application
Click HERE for more information on applications.



Shower Unit 6x4x6x4x6” long
1/2" pipe and standard threading.

gardening applicationfruit and orchard applicationcrop and agriculture applicationpersonal applicationdairy farm and animal applicationsindustrial water purification
$195 Installation Guide portable installation instructions

Portable Unit 9.5” long

 gardening applicationfruit and orchard applicationcrop and agriculture application personal applicationdairy farm and animal applications


Installation Guide portable installation instructions

Garden Unit 14.5” long
3/4” pipe, standard hose coupling

gardening applicationfruit and orchard applicationcrop and agriculture applicationpersonal applicationdairy farm and animal applicationsindustrial water purification  
$345 Installation Guide gardening unit installation

Under Sink Unit 14.5” long
2 12" flex hoses with couplings.

gardening applicationfruit and orchard applicationcrop and agriculture applicationpersonal applicationdairy farm and animal applicationsindustrial water purification  
$325 Installation Guide gardening unit installation

House Units 18.5” – 22” long
¾” or 1” inner diameter pipe

gardening applicationfruit and orchard applicationcrop and agriculture applicationpersonal applicationdairy farm and animal applicationsindustrial water purification 
$995 Installation Guide house unit installation guide For Galvanized Pipe house unit installation guide for galvanized pipe
commercial device unit

Commercial Units 18.5” – 22” long
1.0”, 1.5”, or 2.0” inner diameter pipe. Up to 4" diameter avaiable on request and quote.

gardening applicationpersonal applicationfruit and orchard applicationcrops and agricuture applicationdairy farm and animal applicationindustrial water purification 
$1495 Installation Guide commercial unit installation guide
Size Comparison Chart
Call to Order 877.793.4191
Nutritional Density (BRIX) Increase Guarantee
water is life
our self we find in the sea
water gives life
magic is contained in water
the components of water
water and the earth